
thrifting adventures

goodwill did me good this week. its really so hit or miss lately, but when i saw that santana record i about bowled over some poor old lady  kindly asked an old lady to move to grab it.i  recently bought a record player and it has been fun collecting old vinyl. sometimes music is just plain good for the soul. it has really lifted my spirits having it. my dad had one when i was a kid and had the best collection. he used to play them in the basement and just stand there with his beer and listen.... and sort of reminice of his past days. I find myself seeking out those same albums now, brings back good memories from my youth, a time that seems farther and farther away these days. ahh to be young again right!

the blanket is an exact match for the one jessica from houseofhabit recently thrfited, crazy. its a nice soft edition for $1.99! hope everyone is having a great weekend. any good thrifting scores for you??


  1. Nice finds! Your story of your dad listening to records is so rad and evocative. I too love listening to records, how it feels like a real EVENT. Glad the goodwill goddesses are smiling on you!

    1. thanks heather! glad you stopped by. squeeze that little lucy for me :D

  2. great finds! i love how all the colors are similar. i find that happens to a lot when i'm thrifting.

    1. hey anne, yah I seem to gravitate to these colors!
